What Are Glaucoma and Cataract? How Can You get rid of Them? Contact The Best Eye Surgeon in Kolkata

What exactly is glaucoma?

Glaucoma refers to a set of eye illnesses that damage the eye's optic nerve and cause it to degenerate over time. The most common cause is an increase in intraocular pressure (IOP). The nerve that governs vision is known as the optic nerve. As a result, if it is damaged, it might result in progressive vision loss and, in extreme circumstances, complete blindness.

The pressure within the eye is maintained by a fluid called aqueous humour.

This fluid is produced within the eye and drained via tiny channels. The pressure within the eye rises when these drainage routes get blocked or the eye produces too much fluid.

Risk factors include:

  • As individuals reach the age of 40, their risk of glaucoma rises.
  • Intraocular pressure has risen (IOP)
  • Glaucoma illness runs in the family.
  • Diabetes, hypertension, and low blood pressure are all disorders that affect or are linked to blood flow.

Glaucoma symptoms:

A list of glaucoma symptoms was provided by the best eye surgeon in Kolkata. The majority of people who have open-angle glaucoma don't show any signs or symptoms. If symptoms do arise, they generally do so late in the disease's progression. Because of this, glaucoma is characterised as the sneak thief of vision. A loss of side vision, often known as peripheral vision, is the most prevalent symptom.

Symptoms of angle-closure glaucoma often emerge sooner and are more evident. Damage may happen quickly. If you have any of the following symptoms, visit a doctor right away:

  • Observing halo effects in the vicinity of lights
  • Visual impairment
  • Your pupil is dilated and your eye is flushed.
  • The appearance of a foggy eye (particularly in infants)
  • Vomiting or a stomach ache


A cataract is a clouding of the lens of the eye, which is ordinarily clear. Seeing through hazy lenses is similar to seeing through a frosty or fogged-up window for persons with cataracts.

The majority of cataracts form slowly and do not affect your vision at first. Cataracts, on the other hand, will obstruct your eyesight over time.

Stronger lighting and spectacles might help you cope with cataracts at first. However, if your eyesight is obstructing your daily activities, you may require cataract surgery. Cataract surgery is, fortunately, a relatively safe and successful technique.


Cataracts may cause the following signs and symptoms:    

  • A vision that is clouded, hazy, or dull
  • Night vision is becoming more challenging.
  • Light sensitivity and glare
  • For reading and other tasks, a stronger light is required.
  • Seeing "halos" surrounding lights is a common occurrence.
  • Colour fading or yellowing
  • In one eye, there is double vision.

At the initial stage, the cloudiness produced by a cataract may only impact a tiny portion of the eye’s lens, and you may be completely unaware of any vision loss. The cataract swells in size, clouding more of your lens and distorting the light travelling through it. This may result in more-noticeable symptoms.

If your disease is getting worse day by day you should contact the best retina specialist in Kolkata. At https://www.draniruddhamaiti.com/ you can contact the best eye surgeon in Kolkata. So, don't let your disease become more complex. Contact the best retina specialist in Kolkata now.


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